How much credit card debt is too much?
Understanding when your credit card debt exceeds your ability to pay involves a critical analysis of your complete financial portfolio. Credit card debt is one factor among others that determines a person’s financial health. For the CEO of Amazon, there might not be a limit because he’s one of the richest men in the world. However, for working people, it’s crucial to review your average monthly debt-to-income ratio. A total debt-to-income ratio of 20-80 percent is widely regarded as low. However, if you have cracked the 40-60 percent threshold, it’s time to seriously consider sitting down with an attorney and weighing your debt relief options.
Can you claim bankruptcy on just credit cards?
The short answer is: No. When making a Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy filing, the courts require you to list all of your outstanding debts, income and assets among other pertinent financial items. While a person with high credit card debt may want to discharge those debts believing you can pay off others, the court ultimately decides for you. The good news is that credit card debt ranks among the more common items courts discharge.
Does declaring bankruptcy clear credit card debt?
Credit card relief through bankruptcy remains a powerful remedy for people suffering in debt. But how much credit card relief you secure can depend on the type of filing made by your attorney. In Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the total credit card debt could be wiped out in three to six months. However, Chapter 13 filings may require you to pay back some portion of the outstanding balances.